Community Stars can help you develop inspiring community projects that make a BIG impact, on time and within budget.
Community Stars helps not-for-profit organisations spark positive changes that they’ll be proud of many years later.
We use the best available evidence and creative, proven strategies to help others engage with and support your projects.
Community Stars can also help if you
- have too much work on your plate
- need a boost at a critical time in your project
- feel stuck or
- need to finish a high quality job with no fuss.
We are independent, reliable, have many years of practical, grassroots expertise across a large range of topics and use solid research.
We know how to make projects exciting and build platforms for sustainable change.
Community Stars specialises in:
- translating academic research into powerful information for the public
- facilitating groups, workshops and training sessions
- professional supervision for psychologists, counsellors and community workers
- gaining extra support, funding and recognition
- developing solid policies and pragmatic strategies
- independently evaluating your projects
- engaging your community with your projects
- training new community leaders.
Community Stars offers a wide range of skills across a wide range of topics.
Our work is designed to stimulate community action.
Read Peter’s interview on why it’s important to teach our boys about gender equity with the Huffington Post
Brilliant. Considered, creative, dedicated professional who skilfully and carefully led us through the maze of public health and wellbeing planning.
Peter’s narrative of our community’s health and wellbeing status, aspirations, ideas and action has placed us on solid ground, guides us with confidence and will make difference.
The personal touch you provided and encouraged me and the team to use in our work gives us much pride and leaves a legacy for the organisation and community.